Unmatched Security: File chunking and multi-layer encryption, over the wire and at rest, files are “chunked” and individually encrypted and can only be reassembled by an authorized recipient with specific encryption keys
Secure Attach: Secrata seamlessly integrates with Outlook enabling the user to maintain their workflow. The email content and attachment are chunked and encrypted from the point of origin to the point of destination. Secrata handles everything, removing attachments from the mail server and allows files of any size and format to be securely shared.
Secure ad-hoc sharing: Secrata offers chunking and encryption in the browser to ensure ad-hoc users also receive end-to-end security. This is essential for the enterprise to securely work with vendors and partners outside their network. The user can also edit in the browser and once saved back to Secrata, the system ensures that any copy of the file is removed from the desktop.
Authentication: All individuals must be invited and authenticated before accessing any files. Secrata Integrates with Active Directory, ADFS and SAML Supports 2 factor authentication.
Secrata keeps IT in control by providing scalable, flexible and secure access for users across devices and content locations. Secrata offers security hardening for data workflows through multiple modules. The platform also provides an open API to allow each enterprise to customize workflows and integrate legacy applications.
Safeguard against data breaches
News coverage of big data breaches seem to be occurring daily proving that data encryption alone is inadequate to these challenges. Secrata ensures data security and accessibility by providing an innovative and tightly designed infrastructure for moving data and files within and across enterprises and the cloud, on network, home, and mobile devices. Secrata is a modular platform, comprising a seamless infrastructure for controlled and flexible data movement. Secrata provides the best-in-class security, control and insight for sharing & syncing enterprise files.